Workplace Needs Assessment for Dyspraxia

What is dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia, often referred to as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), is a neurological condition that affects physical coordination and motor skills, making everyday tasks such as writing, tying shoelaces, or even organising one’s thoughts more challenging. Unlike other motor skill disorders, dyspraxia is not related to muscle weakness, but rather to the brain’s ability to process motor tasks efficiently. This condition can also impact fine motor skills, planning, and organisation, causing difficulties in academic, social, and professional environments.

No obligation
Discuss directly with Jenefer

Why do Assessment?

A Workplace Needs Assessment for an employee with dyspraxia ensures they receive the necessary support to succeed in their role. This assessment identifies specific adjustments and strategies tailored to the individual’s unique needs and job responsibilities, empowering them to perform at their best. It also helps the employer meet the requirements under the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments, ensuring compliance with legal obligations and creating an inclusive workplace. By providing targeted recommendations, the assessment can improve the employee's productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being, leading to a more effective and harmonious work environment.

Assessments should where possible be conducted early in employment to ensure the best chance of success in the role. However, if that hasn’t happened we recommend getting an assessment as soon as you are aware an employee has dyspraxia or even when you’ve just noticed challenges that may be similar to those faced by someone with dyspraxia.

We can also drop diagnostic labels from any title and reports. Perhaps you’ve identified an individual with performance concerns that are similar to those experienced by someone with a neurodivergent condition but they don’t identify with any particular label. It’s not a problem, we can still help and we’ll work with an individual on the same basis we do with everyone, as an individual.

Is a formal diagnosis needed?

No. A workplace needs assessment is based on individual needs rather than the diagnosis. However, if there is a diagnosis, diagnostic reports may be useful information to help the assessment.

Do we need multiple assessments if there are co-occurring conditions?

No. A workplace needs assessment looks at the whole person, not the diagnosis. The overlap between conditions makes it difficult to separate needs for each diagnosed condition, for example dyslexia and ADHD. It is true that we need to understand individual challenges, whether they’re dyslexic challenges or ADHD ones may mean different adjustments are recommended, and that comes with talking to the person as a whole person. The same applies for any other co-occurring conditions there may be (also referred to in some clinical settings as co-morbidity).

How are assessments carried out?

Assessments are carried out remotely, prior to the assessment both the individual and line Manager (possibly HR is appropriate) will be asked to complete a background information questionnaire. A video call meeting will be held with the line Manager to help understand the role and individuals challenges and then a detailed video call meeting will be held with the individual. During this call we’ll explore the individual’s strengths and challenges to build a detailed picture leading to recommendations specific to the individual and situation.

What makes us neurodiversity specialists?

Photograph of Jenefer Livings

At Silk Helix, we are neurodiversity specialists dedicated to helping employers create inclusive workplaces. Jenefer, our Founder, brings a unique blend of professional qualifications and personal experience to the table. Jenefer is a qualified workplace needs assessor, ensuring she can accurately identify and address the specific needs of neurodiverse employees.

Additionally, Jenefer's study for a Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) in Neurodiversity guarantees that she brings the latest knowledge and best practices in the field. She also has personal lived experience of Dyslexia and ADHD as well as being a parent to a wonderfully neurodivergent child.

All of this expertise is built on top of Jenefer's 20 years of extensive experience and qualifications in employment law. With Silk Helix, you are partnering with experienced professionals who understand the multifaceted nature of neurodiversity and are committed to supporting you to build an inclusive work environment for your business.

What's Included?

  • 30 minute discussion with line Manager
  • 60-90 minutes discussion with the individual
  • Detailed report outlining specific adjustment recommendations
  • 30 minute follow up meeting

What's the Process?


  • History gathering - the line manager, individual and possibly HR will be asked to supply information to ensure a full picture of the role, organisation and individual’s history
  • Discussion with the line manager
  • Discussion with the individual
  • The report is prepared
  • The report sent to individual first
  • The final report is sent to the manager or HR
  • Follow up call to ask any questions and seek clarity

Book a Free Consultation

All prices are exclusive of VAT.
No Obligation. Speak directly with Jenefer.

The two recommendations we’ll always make:

  1. Let the individual talk to you about their challenges so you can work together to find solutions
  2. Awareness training
No obligation
Discuss directly with Jenefer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a Workplace Needs Assessment?

A Workplace Needs Assessment is a personalised evaluation designed to identify the specific needs of an employee with a neurodivergent condition. The assessment is carried out by a qualified specialist who carries out an assessment with the employee to understand their specific difficulties and the demands of their role. The goal is to develop a tailored support plan that includes reasonable adjustments and strategies to help the employee overcome these challenges and thrive in their job.

How is a Workplace Needs Assessment different from an Occupational Health Assessment?

A Workplace Needs Assessment is similar to an Occupational Health Assessment but carried out by someone with expertise in neurodiversity. Neurodivergent conditions are not medical conditions, whilst there are some medical supports available (such as ADHD medication), these conditions are not illnesses that need to be cured. The environment someone is in will have a huge impact on the degree of “deficit” experienced and whether strengths are harnessed. Occupational Health, is a medical speciality and certainly should be used where an employee has a mental or physical health issue that needs support.

Why does Neurodiversity matter to my business?

A culture of inclusion and innovation allows companies to tap into a wider array of talents and perspectives. Employees who are neurodivergent often bring unique problem-solving skills, creativity, and attention to detail that can drive innovation and improve processes. By embracing neurodiversity, businesses can enhance their adaptability, boost employee morale, and attract a broader talent pool, ultimately leading to a more resilient and competitive organisation.

Furthermore, creating an inclusive environment that supports neurodiverse individuals can enhance team dynamics and collaboration, leading to better outcomes and a more positive workplace culture. A workplace needs assessment will ensure that you have the right supports in place to embrace and leverage the talent of your neurodivergent employees.

Can a Workplace Needs Assessment be carried out remotely?

Yes, we carry out assessments remotely so we can work with anyone across the UK.

Can we speak to the person doing the assessment?

Yes, book a free consultation direct with Jenefer (who carries out all the assessments) using this link.

What are the payment terms?

At the time of booking a 50% payment will be required to secure the appointment, with the remainder due prior to the report being issued. Appointments cancelled with more than 48 hours notice will receive a full refund of any payment made, after which we reserve the right to charge 50% of the full cost as a cancellation charge.